A safe and friendly environment in the world we live in and anything we can do to successfully influence the future drives our business and with this at the fore front of our minds, guides all our purchasing decisions and affects our attitude to our working practises and methods.

Chemical Purchases

All of our chemicals used are environmentally friendly and still have the ability to perform the necessary tasks.

We constantly appraise the chemicals we use and actively test new products coming to the market place that are friendlier to the environment.

Machines & Equipment

All of our machines used are on for the minimum amount of time and their power output is capable of carrying out the task though not over powered so as to ensure minimum electricity used.


Our operatives are trained on effects and damage caused to the environments and will report on observations of excessive use of our elements.

They will naturally turn off lights in rooms not in use, minimise water consumption and report on defective taps, cisterns etc.

Reporting mechanisms are in place for our operatives to help with our ethos to assist in a safer environment.


We encourage feedback and suggestions in any way we can improve our environmental strategy and policies and look forward to hearing any you or your colleagues may have.

Health & Safety

A priority in successful performance is the necessity to operate our business with a complete health & safety policy.

Method statements will be prepared for all works to be carried out prior to commencement, should we be successful.

Risk Assessments and COSHH analysis will be prepared for all works and chemicals accordingly.

All of the above will be available for inspection on site at pre determined times.

The companies Health & Safety committee meet at quarterly intervals, when they coordinate all the companies health and safety procedures.

Regular safety audits are carried out to ensure that the correct safety procedures are being followed on site, and that these procedures form part of our induction programme for every new employee.